We as Gaudium Family believe in learning and inculcating the IB profiles and attitudes not as a part of the curriculum but also because they truly teach us to become better individuals. Learning has no age, the more you learn the more confident you become. Most of our sub staff come from the local background and are not very familiar with English, however they try their best to comprehend what is spoken. We conduct periodic sessions for the staff to bring awareness about the magic words and the profiles and attitudes. One such session was conducted this month, where the Principal addressed the team and made them aware of the importance of this basic communication etiquette to be followed. Once this session was over, our grade 4 and 5 geckos took the responsibility of individually training the Ayammas and Drivers. As most of them are amateurs in English vocabulary and converse mostly in Telugu, our geckos were very supportive and explained about each of the profiles in the local language and then taught the same in English. The drivers and Ayammas too were very keen to learn the words from these enthusiastic geckos. This entire learning session was very overwhelming, as it demonstrated that age is not a criterion either to be a learner or a teacher, all you need is determination to achieve your goal.


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