The geckos had an opportunity to visit an orphanage known as Spoorthi Foundation located at Dundgal on 3 August 2019. Visiting orphanages is a life-changing experience as it evokes emotions and sentiments.

The children of Spoorthi Foundation were excited to receive us. The geckos greeted them with great enthusiasm and spent some time interacting with the children. We teachers also met the caretakers of Spoorthi Foundation who help the children do various activities.

Later, the geckos handed over the hygiene kits to the children of the orphanage. It being the monsoon season, we planned to include in the hygiene kit bathing soaps, detergent soaps, hair oil bottles, small toothpaste tubes, shampoo bottles, washing powder sachets and sanitary pads for teenage girls.

There was huge smiles on their faces. It was indeed a very satisfying experience for the students as they could bring smiles on children’s faces.

The visit encouraged the students to do more for the needy and help them. The geckos learned the values of caring and sharing for others. They realized that one must contribute and understand his/her social responsibilities towards society. And surely many of the students decided to contribute to such worthy causes in the years to come.

Indeed, a smile goes a long way.


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