There are lots of opinions about what motivates students and makes learning fun. learning is about the ability to UNDERSTAND, RETAIN and PROCESS new information accurately and efficiently.
Student always feel motivated when they think that “School is doing something good to me and feels like school value for each and everything what he/she offers.” IB schools dedicated to student centered approach and they believe in activity based learning which encourage healthy relationship, effective teamwork and confidence in order to bring some meaningful change. In IB, teachers are intellectual leaders who motivate students to overcome with challenging learning environment and their focus is more on student’s strength rather than focusing on their deficits.
There are different methodologies to inspire and motivate student to participate in class activities. The most common method is CLASS DISCUSSION, and undoubtedly very effective measure too. But most of the time teachers or our society gives value to most confident and loud student, which always decrease confidence of student who participate less. So it is very much important for every facilitator to give equal importance to all responses, which helps less confident students to feel more comfortable participating.
Second measure is “Rather of judging students, always provide informational feedback, which enhances student participation by empowering them.”
Learning a topic without examples always increase boredom. So it is important “to connect real life experiences with the topic, which make lessons more interesting and relevant to their lives.”
Encourage student imagination and creativity. Inquiry based approach improves imagination, which motivates student to explore the world through science and that’s how he/she interconnect all above measures to find answer of inquiry, which ultimately increase student interest to learn more and explore more and thus the cycle goes on and on.
In the last, Conversations as a best practice to create open dialogue with students. As the relationship grows, teachers and parents learn about their child’ goals and dreams and what matters to them. This practice opens the door for increased participation from students who have been reluctant in the past. The key is to encourage and motivate students to go above and beyond their comfort zone, which helps to build and sustain confidence.
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