Resilience is a significant trait which is considered essential for students of all age groups. It is a life skill which we take with us into our adulthood. It is considered that the more resilient a person is, the more equipped he or she is in dealing with difficult situations and leading a life with less stress. Building resilience in children helps them cope and adapt to situations which are difficult and overcome obstacles. It has become more than important to be resilient given the current pandemic which has presided over us. Keeping this in mind, the current theme for the Group Awareness Sessions in Early Years is, ‘Resilience’.

The sessions focused on developing a positive mindset in students in various problem scenarios. Being resilient is not only associated with just being strong and developing a never giving up attitude but to cope with and acknowledge your strengths which in turn boosts one’s self-esteem. In Grade PP2, students looked at identifying their strengths and in Grade PP1, students looked at how different strategies can be used in different situations, depending on how we feel. While conducting the group awareness sessions, students were asked to share their opinions and to have more open discussions to gradually help them build a more positive outlook towards life.


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