The only thing that is constant is change. Children experience lot of changes and get exposed to new environment or situations like starting or changing schools, birth of a new sibling, relocation, parents returning to work, new care takers, separation from grandparents, weaning from night feeds and the list goes on and on. Children are inherently driven to keep learning and exploring new territory, and adapting to change but they like to explore from a safe and secure place. Parents should always act as a bridge to help your child build the connection and trust with a new person in a new environment. When children are going through big changes, parents should help them, by familiarizing your child about new before it happens rather than expecting your child to do all the work of forming new bonds and adjusting to new environment on their own. This makes the process of change or transition easy and smooth.
Going to school does come with its fair share of emotions, for both the parent and the child. For a kid, entering a new school environment filled with unfamiliar teachers and kids can cause both anxiety and anticipation. Parents might have mixed emotions about whether their child is ready for school. It is important to know that often after a big meltdown that children find renewed energy to accept new challenges. Too much emphasis on the change could make any anxiety worse. When parents feel worried or guilty about leaving their child at school, the kids will probably sense the same. The more calm and assured you are, the more confident your child will be in the new environment. Suggestions for leaving kids at school are simple but can be hard on a parent. Always say a loving goodbye, leaving without saying goodbye may make kids feel abandoned, whereas a long farewell scene only serve to reinforce a child’s sense that school is a bad place. A consistent and predictable farewell ritual can make leaving easier. Also, keep in mind that most kids do well once their parents leave. Step back to allow the teacher to begin forming a relationship with your child. Your endorsement of the teacher will show your child that he or she will be happy and safe in the teacher’s care.
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