Farm animals play a significant role in our livelihood. Farm animals provide us food and help us earn our livelihood. The farmer takes care of plants and animals at the farm.

STUDENT ACTION: The geckos made farm animals faces enthusiastically by using biscuits and gems. They co-operated with their peers and made wonderful pig faces. The geckos also observed the farm animal “Pig” which was brought in the premises of school, it was a fun learning for the geckos.

LEARNING OUTCOME: The geckos were able to identify the farm animals and describe their appearance. They enjoyed observing the “Pig” in campus and also learnt how the farm animals are helpful. They also learnt how to take care of farm animals and how they provide food to us.

FACILITATOR: Mrs. Geeti Agarwal and Mrs. Eva Gomes.

EVENT CO-ORDINATOR: Mrs. Tehseen Sajjida and Mrs. Pooja Kolambe.


Highlights of the visit: