The Gaudium PYP wing had a unique Teachers’ day celebration this year! Of course, the medium of celebration being virtual, it was a personal and exclusive well-spent time with the students and their homeroom and subject teachers joining together with breakfast- the most important meal of the day. The students had a variety of astonishing performances to showcase to their teachers on the day. From singing to dancing to even performing a group skit the geckos truly surprised their teachers with their tributes. Many presented their digital artworks to show love and gratitude while many of the geckos created beautiful handcrafted and colourful greeting cards for the teachers which they gallantly exhibited in this special bonding time. The eagerness of gifting them to their teacher in the physical sense was so acute that they promised to keep them intact and handover to their teachers whenever they meet them in school the very first day!

It was a pleasant time spent with the teachers being delightfully surprised by these beautiful acts of love and gratitude from their dear students. Not only are the geckos talented but they showed a lot of thankfulness and respect to make the special day extra special for their teachers. None can beat the love and the bond which the young geckos have with their teachers!


Some pics: