The Learning Blogs
The Learning Blogs
Identifying strengths in Children
Don’t ignore child’s weakness but don’t overlook their strengths too. Building on your child’s strengths is just as important when it comes to helping him succeed. By Understanding what your child’s [...]
Difference between physical training and physical education
Physical Training and Physical education are frequently confused with each other. Sport is usually glorified and is easier to notice than physical education. Being a sportsperson myself I love the [...]
Engineering is Not just for 18 year olds
I recently watched a video that beautifully summarizes this topic. We live in a world where we have more degrees but less sense. Today we have so many with engineering [...]
Sex Education – The How, What, Why, Who and When of it
Our little champs grow within a blink of our eyes. As elders we want our children to excel in almost all the streams. We send them to reputed schools, dance [...]
What should be taught first soft skills or hard skills?
Soft skills are the social and emotional skills that enable us to communicate effectively and establish healthy relationships with people around us. Soft skills are less tangible and harder to quantify, such as etiquette, getting along [...]
The Modern Way of Teaching Math
Equations, theorems, Cartesian system, trigonometry, calculus and the list goes on. Ah! Math is so complicated. That’s what we usually think when we think of Math. But haven’t we heard [...]