July 2020
Importance of Read Aloud
As an active member of the Professional Learning Community (PLC) for Librarians (Community of IB Librarians across India and Gulf countries), I conducted the first session through Google Meet for [...]
Talking Titans Series – Guest Talk by Mr. Aneesh Daniel
Cinema is a part of our everyday lives, more so for Generation Z. It changes our perspectives towards life; thus in many ways it influences our personality, too. There could have [...]
Coping with Stress
Stress is a feeling of emotional or physical tension. It can come from any event or thought that makes one feel frustrated, angry, or nervous. Stress is the body's reaction to a challenge [...]
Uses of tools in a virtual PYP Classroom
The challenging present scenario, where everywhere in the world, work-from-home is the new norm and for school going students, the mandate is to learn from home. In this virtual schooling [...]
Making foreign language learning a rewarding experience
In these so many years, I have seen a wide variety of learners. Some people initially dread learning this language but once their learning starts, they gradually end up loving the language. [...]
Pandemic & Policies
The pandemic has altered life as we know it. It has taken a toll not only on the physical and mental well-being of individuals but has also left a huge [...]
Developing Research Skills in IBDP 2020
Research is just not the process of gathering information, it is also about answering some unanswered questions or creating one that currently does not exist. In many ways, research expands [...]
Success criteria by PYP learners
This current pandemic situation of COVID -19 has made all of us techno-savvy, especially the educators. We all are taking virtual classes not only for homerooms but also for all [...]