September 2020
Observation of World Suicide Prevention Day
World Suicide Prevention Day is observed on the 10th of September every year. It started in the year 2003 to prevent suicides under the International Association of Suicide Prevention in [...]
Counselling session on Strategies in Assessment Preparation
Examinations and assessments are an integral part of the learning process in a student’s life. While the stress and ensuing fear of the exam is inevitable, one should not undermine [...]
The Joy and celebration of Learning
“We don’t learn from experience. We learn from reflecting on our experiences. If the goal is not merely coverage but actual learning, then reflection is no longer optional. It [...]
Embarking on the Student Led Conference (SLC) Journey in MYP
This week, MYP students are excited and have dedicated their time and effort preparing for the upcoming Student Led conference event. Most of the activities planned for this event are [...]
Decoding portfolio- A CBSE Professional Development Session
A professional development session on 'Decoding Portfolio' was conducted by the Academic Coordinator of CBSE, Ms Varsha Dillikar on September 12, 2020, Saturday. The presentation, discourses and the discussions [...]
Art Defining Culture
Culture is a complex concept and can be quite hard to define. Cultural awareness and understanding play a vital role in the process of art-making. By considering the art of [...]
Celebration of World Mindfulness Day- Peace Within
Be happy in the moment, that's enough. Each moment is all we need, not more. — Mother Teresa The Gaudium School celebrated World Mindfulness Day with the theme ‘Peace Within’ [...]
Webinar on National University of Singapore
On the 2nd of September 2020, a webinar was organized by the Career Counselling department of The Gaudium School where the prestigious "National University of Singapore" participated. It was a [...]