Isn’t it time to say ‘NO’? Despite the gender, physical and cultural diversity, we tend to forget to be compassionate to ourselves and this comes very naturally to us. With the idea of enabling students to stand up STRONG for their rights as humans, the School Counsellor, Ms Maiveez has conducted an awareness session, ‘Anti Bully’ for the Grade 6 geckos at The Gaudium on 11 July, 2019.

The session was comprised of an activity, roleplay, video and a few fact discussion. The progress of the session was planned and structured in a way that all types of learners, either it is audio, visual or kinaesthetic, was able to relate and understand the crux of the session.

The session was conducted with the vision of helping children recognize and empathize with the ones who are bullied. It also helped the geckos to CHOOSE to stand for the others around them if they are being victims of any kind of bullying, be it: physical, mental, cyber or emotional. The  geckos learnt when to say ‘NO’ and whom to approach when they are in this situation.

It was an interactive session with students narrating their vows and feelings. They even enacted a few instances of bullying and how to counter those.

When asked about the new element they learnt attending the session they said:

“I learned to stop bullying when I saw the video. Really, I promised that I will stop bullying others, I am friendly with all,” Grade 6 CBSE student.

“NO, if be angry with others, it will again return to us, so we are not supposed to do it,” Grade 6 CBSE student.

“People who are weak, mentally bully,” Grade 6 CIE student.


Some highlights: