Peer Tutoring helps children learn better and deep. Other than this,  it makes them more responsible. For tutoring tutees, tutors prepare topics and devise tutoring strategies diligently that the concepts can be delivered effectively. Tutors revise and read through the content closely, multiple times! As a result, they experience immense confidence as they gather detailed and profound knowledge. In a way, peer tutoring is learning to teach effectively. For the same reason, tutors have to act with responsibility and commitment. Then what about the tutees? For tutees, it is the comfort of being taught by peers that promotes faster concept assimilation. Informal but focussed interactions and the comfortable reception of instruction are the other benefits. The other element students benefit from is, CAS – creativity, activity, service – enables learning through experiencing. Such learning stays forever as it is acquired through the process of getting involved. The recent visit to a Government School in Borabatla, a village in the suburbs of the city, on 2 August, 2019  gave the geckos of Grades 8 to 10 the experience of both – peer tutoring and CAS.

It was inclusive of the ongoing Hindi topic ‘Science and Technology’ and the CAS enterprise. Knowledge integration was a key factor in this initiative. Enthusiasm was the order of the day as the Geckos prepared to tutor the students of the Government school on a broad-based theme –  how technology influences healthcare. Their joy knew no bounds as they started to mutually benefit from the interactions. While the geckos successfully tutored them on Sciences, in turn they acquired the life skills of working together in a team. At the end, it was an immensely fruitful endeavour and the geckos left with the contentment of having done a good deed.


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