The  Adventure Group at Gaudium Campus organized a thrilling CAS CAMP that left the students buzzing with excitement! The event was packed with activities focused on learning essential life skills and fostering teamwork, making it an unforgettable experience for all.

Disaster Management Skills: The camp started with an important focus on disaster management, teaching the participants how to handle emergencies like earthquakes, fires, and floods. Evacuation drills were conducted to prepare the students for any unforeseen situations.

First Aid Expertise: Students also had the opportunity to learn vital first aid skills, including bandaging techniques and carrying patients on a stretcher. Equipped with these skills, they can now confidently respond in times of need.

Direction Finding Challenge: Participants discovered how to identify directions without a compass, a valuable skill in the great outdoors. This knowledge will undoubtedly come in handy during future adventures.

Cooking Without Fire: The camp took things a step further by teaching the students how to cook without relying on traditional fire. It was both a practical and exciting experience that added an element of innovation to the event.

Morse Code Mastery: The students had the chance to delve into the world of communication through Morse code, a skill that harkens back to the past but remains intriguing and useful to this day.

Fun and Games: Amidst all the learning, the campers also enjoyed some good old-fashioned fun with treasure hunts and even rocket launching! Laughter and excitement filled the air as they bonded over these engaging activities.

Building a Community: An overnight stay allowed the students to socialize with one another, fostering a sense of camaraderie and community. Lifelong friendships were forged during this memorable experience.

Overall, the CAS CAMP was a smashing success, igniting the spirit of creativity, action, and service among the students. As the first event of its kind, it set the bar high for future adventures and excitement to come. Kudos to the Adventure Group for organizing such a fantastic and enriching experience!

Stay tuned for more updates on the upcoming events and activities that will continue to make learning at Gaudium Campus an extraordinary journey!



Some highlights: