Colourful event took place on 20th february’16 at Kollur campus. Geckos of playgroup to PP1 visited Kollur campus  and escorted their parents to all the classes and labs contrived.Parents were incredibly dynamic to discover the environment of the school and to know how academics are operational in the campus.Geckos conveyed the procedures and techniques followed in class rooms to make their education more efficient.Parents have spent adequate time with their children and observed the learning material exhibited on the boards.  All the parents have endorsed their congratulations and warmth towards the accomplishment of the school in its goal by appropriate execution. They have complimented the school for its audacity and endurance for tremendous development of the school. Our honourable principal Mrs Hema Supraneni have transmitted the school strategies to be implemented and also the reason for the same. She has extended her thanks to parents for their support and contribution in reinforcement of procedures and also for abiding by the school rules. She ariticulated and expressed the significance of education and discipline. End of the event, geckos and the parents were given a reflection sheet where they were asked to give their depiction of school in the form of a poem, drawing/sketching or text. Parents and their geckos collaboratively presented depiction of school in a very colourful and poetic way.They enjoyed event at the fullest with parents and extended family members.


Coordinators: All faciliators


Some moments from the event: