The CAIE Assembly organized on 18th November 2020 added a new and interesting dimension to the existing pattern of assemblies, as it was the first time being conducted in a Foriegn Language – French. The Grade 9 students put in a lot of effort and time to accomplish this monumental task. Being a language which not many are confident in speaking, it was quite a challenge for the students to work and represent the language. There were 4 main parts to the assembly; a video on empathy, the meaning of empathy with a short story, a speech about how empathy impacts our lives, and finally a rap about empathy. The students spoke in both French and English for the audience to comprehend. The assembly was compact, but had made quite a big impact on the audience. It was a great way to experience the language and be excited about more such assemblies which are yet to come in the near future.

Not only was the assembly a marvellous way to learn French as the students got the opportunity to speak frequently, but during the process of executing it, the students discovered how important empathy is in all their lives and how it helps in different situations. The hard work put into this assembly eventually paid off as all the students and teachers enjoyed the session and understood the message.

Excellent planning by the students and the flawless execution presented a beautiful new experience for the students. With only a few days to prepare, the students did this very well, as they had meticulously divided the tasks and contributed equally. Sending across such an important message of empathy to everyone present made the organizing students of Grade 9 very glad for the opportunity as they can’t wait for the next opportunity.


Some pics: