Assemblies have become an integral part of the CBSE curriculum in Gaudium. The students of middle and high school start their day with a theme-based mindful assembly which is planned by the students along with their mentors. The special CBSE assembly conducted on the eve prior to Diwali had the theme of having a safe and responsible Diwali celebration this year. Drawing from the core values of Gaudium, the special assembly stressed on caring and thinking of our environment and animals while celebrating the festival of lights and having fun and enjoyment nonetheless.

The newly elected Deputy Cultural Captain of Gaudium, Ms Lakhmi Abhista Sheela hosted the virtual assembly as she addressed the audience on how Diwali this year would differ from all the earlier celebrations. Of course, being the year of the pandemic, Diwali will not have the usual grandeur, the extravagant gatherings and shopping splendour like the other years. Instead, she suggested many innovative ideas of how to pep up our celebrations in unique ways this year and have a wonderful celebration altogether. The Principal of CBSE and CI- Ms Shalini Singh Hamilton addressed the geckos on the occasion in which she inspired the geckos in all her exuberance and panache to celebrate a sparkling Diwali in the ethical and socially caring way. The event progressed with the address by Ms Varsha Singh, the Hindi facilitator who explained how and why Diwali is celebrated in India and how it breaks the barriers of region, caste, religion and community, uniting all Indians together in its grand celebration. Aishika spoke about the festival of Diwali in the vernacular language of Telegu as well. The audience was mesmerized with cultural revelry as the students performed on the occasion. From colourful dance performances to melodious songs on the theme of Diwali, it was a spectacular event in which all the students and teachers were dressed in their ethnic finery to mark the occasion of the upcoming festival. Aisha Jain in her address to the geckos, advised on celebrating a quiet Deepavali, adorn their houses with Do-it-yourself decorations and crafts instead of splurging on unnecessary shopping, have a pet and animal-friendly celebration, buying local, connecting with grandparents and bonding with family.  The words rang true as celebrations should not affect or damage our ecosystems. The description by Ms Varsha Singh on the flavours of India and indigenous games played in earlier days made the teachers reminisce about their childhood days as well as made the geckos wonder about the beauty of our Indian culture.

The CBSE Coordinator Ms Varsha Dillikar mesmerized the geckos with a short and beautiful poem and reminded of what Diwali actually symbolizes- the victory of light over darkness, truth over evil. The celebrations revive hope and positive spirit. The event came to a close with a montage of images compiled for the occasion where the audience witnessed lovely pictures of their teachers celebrating Diwali and spending quality time with loved ones. On a happy and pleasant note, the Deputy Cultural Captain wrapped the assembly with a vote of thanks.


Some highlights: