The Gaudium Edge
The Gaudium Edge

Child centric education with hands on exploration

Teacher, student ratio of 1:12

270 hours of Professional Development programmes for all the Teachers

Complete range of Wellness Programmes

Transdisciplinary Integration with all subjects including Arts, Music, Dance, PSPE and Theatre

Only school with DIY and Life Skills programmes to make a child self sufficient

Interactive Science & Adventure Park on campus

Only School to have a Petting Zoo on campus

Unique Farming and Farmers’ Market concept

Scientific Sports curriculum supported by unmatched Sports Infrastructure

Differential learning

Stress free assessment

Child centric education with hands on exploration

Teacher, student ratio of 1:12

270 hours of Professional Development programmes for all the Teachers

Complete range of Wellness Programmes

Transdisciplinary Integration with all subjects including Arts, Music, Dance, PSPE and Theatre

Only school with DIY and Life Skills programmes to make a child self sufficient

Interactive Science & Adventure Park on campus

Only School to have a Petting Zoo on campus

Unique Farming and Farmers’ Market concept

Scientific Sports curriculum supported by unmatched Sports Infrastructure

Differential learning