Christmas celebration started with a colourful note in the assembly where all pre primary geckos assembled and presented carols and a short theatre. All the pre primary geckos came in red and white dress and a santa cap. All the geckos were very excited to welcome Santa claus who drove on bike with balloons and candies. The geckos danced to the tune of Jingle bells and enjoyed photography with Santa and Christmas tree. The celebration didnot end here as the geckos prepared lovely take away cards for their friends and family.They also brought a piece of muffins to share and make the celebration more loving, caring and fun.Every festival and its celebration gives us the importance of joy of giving. Our geckos also participates in donation drive in every festival and this Christmas they were more excited to bring and donate their old belongings to ayammas and drivers. Overall it was a colorful yet joyful celebration.
Faciltators: Mrs. Pooja & Home Room Teachers
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